Mobile Blogging - Self Portrait

This photo taken and color
corrected on my iPhone.

Bonus points if you can tell me where I am.

- a part of the mobile blogging experiment


Thanks, arshad.

Close. Th. Very close.
I'm impressed. I didn't realize you knew what the light rail was called.

Yes, I'm on Trax. I'll count that, but if anyone can discern where the train happens to be, I'll give them extra big bonus points.
GreenPhoenix said…
Judging from the lights, I'm guessing the Delta Center station. Oh wait, they changed its name to the Energy Solutions Arena since I left Utah.
GreenPhoenix said…
I take that last comment back. On closer examination of the picture, you're at the Stadium Station on the UofU campus facing Rice-Eccles Stadium.
Impressive knowledge of the SLC Trax system for a non-resident, Jacob (although I realize of course that you lived here for many years).

Unfortunately, neither of those guesses is correct, but keep trying!

Technically, my dad guessed it right offline, but since he won't post a comment here (hint, hint), I won't spoil it for everyone else just yet.

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