Helaman Six And Immigration
A protest sign that says “Immigrants make America great!" So today I’m dipping my toes into political waters a little bit. But don’t worry. I’m not going too far. *wink* I want to talk about the book of Helaman, especially chapter 6, and its implications for our views on immigration. The thing is, it truly astounds me how people can read the same scriptures I read and then support some of the policies they do. Mass deportation? Family separation? Kids in cages? How do we not only endure, but sometimes even celebrate these things? And it’s not that my scriptural interpretations are particularly insightful or unique. Quite the opposite, in fact. The scriptures are just so plain about this stuff. Perhaps the problem is this: we aren’t really taught to translate faith into politics, and that’s a shame, as the scriptures provide us with guidance on so many current issues. They don’t consistently side with any given party, and it would be a mistake to claim that any political party i