What's the Point?

Why did I create this blog?

I thought I’d wait a while to answer that question because, at first, I wasn’t sure myself. Now I think I know. I’m doing this because I want to talk about things that matter. So much of daily conversation is so trivial. We (and by “we,” I mean “I”) hardly rise above the menial matters of daily life because we rarely talk about anything else. But I (and by “I,” I mean “we”) want to lift my (our) mind(s) to a higher sphere than that to which the human mind generally aspires, to paraphrase Joseph Smith.

Whew! That was complicated. Anyway, the idea is that by holding regular, thoughtful conversation about things that matter – I mean really matter, not just jokes or jobs or money or politics, although those topics may come up – we can focus our lives on what really matters.

I hope any truth that is discussed here can be discussed in the context of the scriptures. We don’t have to limit things to quoting scriptures, but by putting any topic in the spiritual sphere we can be better enabled to see it in its true light. Discovering truth and uplifting souls is what we’re driving at. In so doing, we must be careful not to advocate the philosophies of men, but sticking with the scriptures should help with that, too.

The purpose of this blog is not for me or anyone else to say “look at all the brilliant thoughts I’m having! Aren’t I great?” Brilliant thoughts are welcome, of course, but we’re not in it for glory. We’re in it for mutual improvement.

In that spirit, we should feel free to disagree respectfully with anything that is said. We should present many facets of an idea, and not degrade any person for his or her ideas. We give no offense and take no offense. If anyone breaks this rule, I have the ability to remove or edit comments and ban people from posting. I don’t want it to come to this, though, and with the people I’ve invited so far, I’m not the least bit worried about it. But I do want you all to invite others to participate, as I will.

This approach removes the threat from criticism. I say “criticism” hesitantly, because the word carries heavy connotations, but I mean it in the sense of critical examination of each others’ thoughts, not disparaging or cynical remarks about any person or idea. As the hymn O, My Father says so elegantly, “Truth is reason.” To that end, we reason out our ideas with sincere and prayerful hearts. That edifies all and leads us to the right answers, which, as I said before, is the point.


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