A Little Too Normal

In the past month or so, as everyone seems to be dropping the last of their pandemic restrictions and reports about the ongoing impacts are seen less and less frequently, I've noticed something at school: people coming in who are clearly sick.

I don't know if I'm just more sensitive to it now, but it seems to me that I've witnessed a truly shocking number of students sitting in class or walking the halls while dripping from the nose, hacking up a lung, or wheezing through congested airways. I've seen it in teachers too. There seems to be no expectation that kids (or adults) stay home when sick anymore. I guess everyone figures we've done enough of that? Instead, the expectation seems to be that you come in even when sick, unless you're incapacitated or dying. That's what commitment to your education looks like. That's a mark of loyalty to your employer and the students you serve. 

So, congratulations, everyone. I guess we're back to normal.  


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