2011: The Year of Creative Output

So, it's not too late to do a post about New Year's resolutions, right?

I thought not.

There are a lot of things I plan to do this year, and I have a few very important resolutions. But of those, there's only one I'm going to share tonight. That is this: this year I will increase my creative output. It gets more specific than that. Every week I will write at least one blog post (which I've done so far, but not on this blog). Every month I will create at least one new drawing or image that is not for someone else. Every quarter I will produce at least one short film or video that is not for a client. 

I'm off to a good start. I've blogged every week this year, at least once, I've created the image, which was a composite of photos from my wedding and other creative elements, and I've already finished a short film, thanks to the 24 hour film making marathon of the LDS Film Festival. My film is absolutely the best I've ever done, and the other things I've created are among the best, at least from an execution standpoint. 

Now, you may not see a new post here every week. I write for three blogs, and I intend to share the love as equally as possible. But if I really get in the groove, I may be quite consistent on all three. I hope to also make my other creative works available so I'll probably link to them from here, when I post here. 

Why is this a big resolution for me? Well, I'm turning thirty next month, and thanks to a friend I started asking myself what the status of my creative contributions were three decades into my life. I've been around long enough to not only acquire skills, but also put them to use in some meaningful way. 

I'm about to turn the age Christ was when he began his mortal ministry, and since I know that part of my purpose on this earth is to create things that are useful in bringing others to the Lord, consider this an announcement of the start of my own ministry. I have no excuses left. I suppose I could make some up, but at this point I'm really the only thing holding me back. I have resources. I have connections. I have ability. I just need to do it. 

So this year, I'm doing it. Here I go.


I feel you-I always wanted to write but never actually started sharing that creativity (the goal of the writer), until I hit 29.

And it took until I was 36 to get published.

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